The Eurocentrism is everywhere: about orientalisms, ocidentalisms and anothers geographical imprecisions


  • Leonardo Name


Eurocentrism, Spatialization, Culture


In this article, I want to establish some geographical issues intrinsic to the Eurocentrism that goes beyond a supposed territorial and obvious reference in relation to Europe. My argument is that the spatialization of Eurocentric speeches, ideas and values is pervasive while at the same time centralizing, decentralizing and relativizing the geographical accuracy. In this sense of cultural perspective, Europe, the West and the Rest merge and mingle in a series of representations, practices and ways of life and cultural domination.


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How to Cite

NAME, L. The Eurocentrism is everywhere: about orientalisms, ocidentalisms and anothers geographical imprecisions. GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 2, n. 2, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.