Environmental conflicts and impacts in a mineral resources exploration in Amazon


  • Luiz Jardim de Moraes Wanderley


Environmental Conflicts, Mining, Amazon, Megaprojects, Bauxite


The conflicts are social phenomenon inherent in development megaprojects. However, the mining megaprojects aren’t exempt of this conflictuality and mess reality that occurs in different Brazilian regions. In this paper, we will analyze how configure the environmental conflicts in mining areas in the Brazilian Amazon, using as example the bauxite extraction in Oriximiná and Juruti towns, in Pará State, where Mineração Rio do Norte e Alcoa are developing megaprojects since 1976 and 2000, respectively. In these two places the companies present or had presented directs conflicts with regional traditional populations in virtue of its impacts and its preservation politics.


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How to Cite

WANDERLEY, L. J. de M. Environmental conflicts and impacts in a mineral resources exploration in Amazon. GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 2, n. 3, 2024. Disponível em: https://geopuc.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/44. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.