The “old modern” and the “new arcaic”: the relation society-nature through the multidimensional perspective of geography


  • João Paulo Rabello de Castro Centelhas


monoculture, entropy, agroecology, autonomy, fragmentation


This work discusses the social and technical model of the agro-exporting monoculture way of organization and production, and its antithesis based on agroecology. The questions about the two spheres are based on a theoretical and methodological discussion that seeks to add conceptual tools of physics, biology and the Theory of Open Systems to the geography’s literature. The discussion synthesis is organized around the method of the critical geography, systematizing the problems related to the work’s spoliation and its territorial division with the fragmentation of space and with the subsequent relation nature-society established.


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How to Cite

CENTELHAS, J. P. R. de C. The “old modern” and the “new arcaic”: the relation society-nature through the multidimensional perspective of geography. GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 2, n. 3, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.