A atualidade e o ensino da geografia: algumas reflexões


  • Carlos Laete Rodrigues Pascoal


present, autonomist project, structural changes, geography teaching, school


The current article seeks to reflect about a perspective to the teaching of geography and to the present school that takes into consideration the new circumstances that are presented and that indicate the necessity to realize a deep change in the way as the humans are writing your history. In this way, the study aims to reflect about a new perspective to the geography teaching that shows more efficacious to apprehend the essential facts at present, and in this purpose, to consider all the social and environmental persistent problems, offering solid bases to the construction of an effective alternative.
The debates showed by Morin and Souza about the represented alternative, denominated autonomist project, are take into consideration in the construction of a speech that seeks to confer a prominent place to the school institution – in front of your potential to propagate structural changes – and to the geography teaching - in front of your work contents – in the implementation of this project that would like to be a project of construction and consolidation of a real human meaning for the human existence in the Earth.


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How to Cite

PASCOAL, C. L. R. A atualidade e o ensino da geografia: algumas reflexões. GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. Disponível em: https://geopuc.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/31. Acesso em: 9 feb. 2025.