As unidades de internação para menores infratores na cidade do Rio de Janeiro: dialogando entre o externo e o interno
Internment Unities, Young Infractor, Place, TerritoryAbstract
It’s not from nowadays, but troubles about young people belongs to the interest of society. Points like behavior, family and relationships are frequently being discussed in the university. From this point of view, the young infractor are constantly exposed as a hard and complex problem to the civil society. This young people are putted in several criminal situations, like drug trafficking. In this way, the internment unities in the city of Rio de Janeiro are considered as important points of the dynamic socio-spatial of the city because they act directly into the minds and bodies of the young infractor. The work with those young people, after all, results in a personal and socio-politic change. The “vehicles” of this transformation are territories and places, both analysed in a trans-scalar way.
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