The geography of the creative industry in Tocantins: regional analysis of recent years



Creative Industry, Economic and Regional Geography, Tocantins


This article analyzes the regional organization of the creative industry in the state of Tocantins in recent years. The study aims to understand how creative activities, based on creativity, knowledge, and innovation, are regionally distributed in the state, considering economic aspects related to labor and businesses. The central objective is to identify the geographic concentrations of these activities, analyze the growth dynamics, and highlight regional disparities that affect the distribution of these industries. The methodology employed involves the comparison of economic and employment data over a recent period, with an emphasis on three intermediate regions of the state: Palmas, Araguaína, and Gurupi. The results show a significant concentration of creative activities in the Palmas region, with varied growth in other regions, as well as highlighting wage disparities and the fragility of the creative labor market in the state.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, V. da S.; MARTINS, T. C.; NUNES, M. do S. M. da S. The geography of the creative industry in Tocantins: regional analysis of recent years. GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 16, p. e00108, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 feb. 2025.



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