Discovering (geo)memes to teach and learn Geography today: experience report at the II Latin American Congress on Geography Teaching (CLEG) and I Colloquium on Inclusive Geography (CoGIn)



Geographic memes, Multiliteracies, Geography teaching


This text is an experience report about a short course with the theme of geographic memes offered throughout the event program of the II Latin American Congress of Geography Teaching (CLEG) and I Colloquium on Inclusive Geography (CoGIn), took place in Santa Maria in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, between the 20th and 23rd of November 2023. The mini-course was entitled “Discovering (geo)memes for teaching and learning Geography today” and its main objective was to to offer knowledge of the educational potential of Internet memes to students, teachers or those interested in incorporating this resource into their Geography classes or other curricular components at any level and type of teaching. Methodologically, the work consists of recounting the experiences and learning built in the short course by both the proponent and the participants. We sought, in association with the results of the proposal, to discuss the need to make use of pedagogical practices based on multiliteracies, especially those involving memetics, in the teaching of Geography or other areas of knowledge given the current space- time, that of globalization, marked by significant transformations in society. Furthermore, it was presented about “how” to take advantage of the educational potential of Internet memes, given their characteristics and the broad engagement in digital social networks, in addition to a practical moment where participants created their own (geo)memes. With this, in the end, it was hoped to contribute at the level of continued training to the use of the language of memes in the classroom in different contexts and teaching-learning situations in a meaningful, contextualized way and attentive to the transformation of reality.


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How to Cite

COLLETO DOS SANTOS, V. Discovering (geo)memes to teach and learn Geography today: experience report at the II Latin American Congress on Geography Teaching (CLEG) and I Colloquium on Inclusive Geography (CoGIn). GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 16, p. e00089, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 feb. 2025.



Relatos de experiência II Congresso Latino-americano de Ensino de Geografia (CLEG) e I Colóquio de Geografia Inclusiva (CoGIn)