Reports and experiences: thinking about collaborative mapping to teach geography



Cartography, Collaborative mapping, Geography teaching


The history of maps is intertwined with the history of humanity itself, becoming, for this reason, an inexhaustible topic without being quite broad according to Duarte (1994). Through maps we can better understand the space in which we are inserted, so with all the transformation of cartography we have collaborative mapping whose main bias is that users themselves are the main mappers of their maps, therefore, the objective of this work is to describe reports and experiences of some applications using collaborative mapping to teach geography, the workshop was developed during the Google Meet platform in an online event, II Latin American Congress on Geography Teaching (CLEG) and I Colloquium on Inclusive Geography (CoGin) , the workshop in question was divided into two moments, initially a small introduction was made about collaborative mapping, Neocartography, collaborative cartography and some other geotechnologies, the workshop in question had a total of 44 participants, within the results obtained, we highlight the importance of The use of collaborative mapping platforms can help in educational practices, placing students as the main protagonists of their maps. Focusing on the construction of a conscious and critical student/citizen.


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How to Cite

HABOWSKI, J. T. V.; ALTERMANN, F. A. Reports and experiences: thinking about collaborative mapping to teach geography. GeoPUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 16, p. e00096, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.



Relatos de experiência II Congresso Latino-americano de Ensino de Geografia (CLEG) e I Colóquio de Geografia Inclusiva (CoGIn)